Walking this Earth Path as a Crystal Elder

I have known many injuries to body, mind emotions, and spirit. These injuries I
have inflicted upon myself, like injecting a rose thorn into my finger with a careless
gesture, are often the easiest to heal as there is no emotional confusion woven
into the event. Those injuries apparently inflicted upon me from the outside have
proven the most stubborn to eradicate, and I have come to know this is because at
some level I invited in, earned or requested the injury through inappropriate
thoughts, responses, words, and deeds or by special request of my spirit that I
may better learn to walk in the footsteps of another whose path I may not have
viewed with simple compassion. Through my behavior I had embedded an
emotional confusion that became necessary to weave in so as to release my fault.
As I experience it, healing old injuries is an imperative requirement for moving on
with my life. I continue to view healing as a natural process, and I honor the fact
that the body lusts to clear injuries completely. For me, using medications as a
crutch to shield receptors from pain interferes with healing through to release.
Releasing mental, spiritual and physical attachment to the injury leads to the
emotional memory of the injury, and eventually leads to the emotional thoughtform
creating the injury as an energy weave clearing. Leaving the thought-forms
embedded requires the body to mobilize greater resources to bring attention back
to the source of the disturbance. The body’s cellular memory has vast resources
to mobilize, and I prefer the signals of small skirmishes with ego and inner
resolution to peace over great battles involving other beings and locations.
Releasing played out emotional thought forms appears to me to be an art of
refreshing depleted energies to retain only the memories of the experience without
emotional vexation or supercharge. Through proper intention, tools like Yoga
Nidra and the Solfeggio Tones may be brought in to align surging emotions and
heal the creation weave completely. Releasing the emotional binds to the memory
has for me proven to finalize the healing into complete clarity of the present
I find each growth into letting go becomes a celebration of self-mastery. Moving
the energies marks the change from participant to that of an observer of a movie
or a video game to be played or reviewed and mastered. Like masters of Chess
continue to study the games of others even after they know a level of mastery, so
earth bound crystal elders like me are free to continue life reviews so long as
physical and mental processes facilitate the wealth of information available
through healing processes.

From one Crystal Elder to Another 2/14/15 as originally published on this site